Internet of Identities

The internet of identities has been developed to give people, companies and artificial intelligence unique internet identities with universal validity with its advanced spider web algorithm. Internet identities are new generation universal identities that relationship people's realities with these entities in order to eliminate the complexity of authentication and the clutter of digital assets on the internet. We are building it to be an alternative to normal identities in order to create an international common point between today's countries. In this way, you will be able to easily show your documents such as identity, passport, visa and driver's license without carrying them with you. This will prevent identity theft.

With its ‘everything is connected’ concept, your digital assets are relationships with your internet identity, ensuring that you have the sole right to these assets and that these assets are not seized by malicious users. With your internet identity, you will be able to manage all your digital assets on the internet. Thanks to these relationships, you will be able to manage all your digital assets on the internet with your internet identity.

Since the authenticity of the identities of people with an internet identity is known, authentication is not required on the platforms they are members of. You will be able to log in to all integrated platforms with your internet identity, so unverified people and organizations will not be able to reach you.

Authentication and digital asset checking are the biggest problems of web versions. IoID supports internet identities in all versions so that web versions can be built properly and securely.

How we are ensure security?

Security of internet identities

  • Spider web algorithm,

  • Behavioral artificial intelligence,

  • Scale of Justice artificial intelligence,

  • Keymaker artificial intelligence,

  • It is provided with biometric data analysis algorithms.

Spider Web Algorithm

It is the basis of the authentication algorithm developed by IoID. Thanks to this algorithm, an internet identity is given to each person or system.

Behavioral Artificial Intelligence

It creates a profile of your sign-in activities and movements. Thanks to this profile, it makes sure that no one else uses your account but you. If it detects an anomaly in your account, it can lock the entire system for your security.

Another task of this artificial intelligence is to prevent collective identity management with the data it receives from the biometric data analysis algorithm.

Biometric Data Analysis

In addition to performing the analysis of your biometric data, it is one of the data sources of behavioral artificial intelligence. It ensures the security of approvals by working integrated with the from a single-center approval system.

Scale of Justice Artificial Intelligence

It files and analyzes all malicious actions of internet identities in real life or on the internet on an identity basis. If, as a result of its analysis, it decides that the person should be sued, it sends this data to the Keymaker artificial intelligence and initiates the process of removing the anonymity of the person. After the anonymity removal process is over, he/she files a criminal complaint with the evidence to the justice institution of the country where he/she is registered.

Keymaker Artificial Intelligence

It is the most authoritative artificial intelligence in the system. Its job is to prevent even system administrators from accessing users' data. It is an artificial intelligence positioned between users and system developers and administrators.

Its main task is to maintain anonymity and ensure that no one but you can access your data. It can remove anonymity only with data from Scale of Justice artificial intelligence.

If these algorithms detect any kind of attack or intrusion, they lock the identity by activating extra layers of security and only the identity holder can bypass these security layers. See the security section for more details.

Advantage of Internet Identities

With internet identities, you can use the internet more efficiently and more securely. You can use tag blocking technology to stay away from unwanted content, and ID blocking technology to block people you don't want to see from all platforms.

With ID badges, you will be able to distinguish between internet identities and see whether the accounts you communicate on the internet are a real person, artificial intelligence or a dangerous person.

You can easily track and manage your digital assets with your identity wallet linked to your internet identity. You can easily shop or browse the internet using your crypto and card wallet. With the password wallet you will never have to remember your passwords again. In this way, password sharing and usage will be prevented.

We can prevent malicious actions on the internet with internet identities. We protect you from these actions by taking precautions against data manipulation of bot accounts, various tricks of scammers, hackers trying to take over your accounts, internet perverts, cheaters and real-life criminals.

The biggest goal of internet identities is to ensure social peace and we do not make any concessions in this regard.

Last updated