Identity Badges

Identity badges allow internet identities to be distinguished. We introduce advanced Identity badges as we see the inadequacy of today's badge system. With this system, we present a new generation badge structure by correcting the irregularity of today's badge system and improving its diversity. Thanks to this badge system, the badges you will receive will be available on all platforms integrated with IoID.

What have we developed?

Identity accuracy: You will no longer need to verify yourself on every platform, as the authenticity of users with an internet identity will already be known. Platforms will know whether the internet identity that wants to become a member is human, company or artificial intelligence.

Use your badges everywhere: Users will no longer have to struggle to get badges on every platform, because a badge given to an internet identity will be available on all platforms.

We're expanding the badge system to a wider range, making it easier to distinguish accounts. Our prominent badges; We have developed informative badges such as Human ID, Organization ID, Artificial Intelligence ID, Famous ID, and Dangerous ID. Under these 5 headings, there are subheadings according to their fields.

Human Identity

Organization Identity

Artificial Intelligence Identity

Famous Identity

Dangerous Identity

Examples of these actions;

  • Using cheats in games,

  • Using bots, fake or hacked accounts,

  • Identity theft,

  • Harassing, bullying and blackmailing,

  • Committing fraud,

  • Escape from justice,

  • Knowingly making fake and misleading posts,

  • Sharing grudges, hatred and racism to disrupt the social order

It will be given to internet identities that perform actions such as. This badge serves as a warning that the identity holder may be malicious.

People with internet identity can block people with dangerous identity badges by activating the automatic identity blocking system. In this way, we aim to provide a safe internet environment and social peace.

We create a deterrent so that the person does not participate in malicious events. Because the person who receives this badge can be automatically suspended from social media and games. Identities who have received this badge cannot get rid of the badge. The status of these people is reviewed periodically and if the person does not commit a crime within the specified period, the badge can be deleted from his/her identity.

If an identity commits a crime, the Scale of Justice artificial intelligence collects the evidence and files a criminal complaint against the person in the justice system of the country in which they are registered.

Usage Areas

You will be able to quickly see whether the accounts you are communicating with are human, artificial intelligence or company, and you will be able to approach the other party more consciously.

Today, frauds can be done easily on shopping sites. You can prevent shopping with someone with a dangerous identity on the shopping platform you use. Platform owners can suspend a person from the platform who receives a dangerous identity badge for fraud or other action.

Players can prevent them from being matched with people who get dangerous identity badges for cheating in games.

People who harass or try to fraud by reaching people through social media and telecommunication systems will be automatically blocked.

If a person is escaping from justice, it will be indicated on the person's badge and the person will be prevented from reaching you and harming you on the internet.

Last updated