What is IoID?

IoID means internet of identities. It is the internet layer developed to give people, companies and artificial intelligences unique identities with universal validity.

What is Internet Identity?

Internet identities were developed to eliminate authentication complexity and clutter of digital assets. They are new generation universal identities developed to relationship these beings with the realities of people.

What is the spider web algorithm and how does it work?

The spider web algorithm is the authentication algorithm developed by IoID. Thanks to this advanced algorithm, each person will be given a unique internet identity. It verifies the authenticity of users by performing biometric data and identity analysis and ensures that each user is given only one Internet identity.

What are digital assets and why are they important?

Everything you own on the internet is your digital asset. Digital assets are your own objects that define who you are in the internet universe. These assets can easily be seized by malicious users and used to blackmail or threaten. Today's solutions cannot prevent this and that is why IoID has developed the concept of 'everything is connected' with internet identities.

What is the concept that Everything is Connected?

With its Everything is Connected concept, IoID associates digital assets with people's realities using their internet identities and makes them the sole owner of these assets.It blocks malicious people, making it impossible for them to access personal data and digital assets.

Thanks to this concept, the relationships of the accounts linked to your internet identity are automatically established and cross-platform connections are made.

What is identity blocking technology?

Identity blocking technology prevents people whose presence you are uncomfortable with from reaching you over the internet. The person with the internet identity you have blocked will be blocked on all platforms integrated with IoID. Thanks to this technology, it is impossible for people whose identity you have blocked to reach you.

How does automatic identity blocking work?

It prevents internet identities detected by the malicious action detection system from reaching you. The working logic of this system is to prevent identities that have been found to participate in malicious acts on the internet from reaching you.

What is tag blocking technology?

Tag blocking technology blocks contents and sites you don't want to see. This technology filters telecommunications communications, social media posts, websites or search engines, for example.

What is an identity wallet?

The identity wallet has been developed for you to manage all your digital assets from a single center. This system works in integration with a single-center approval system, ensuring the security of all your digital assets.

How does password wallet work?

This system works differently from other password wallets, it confirms the password of your account you want to enter by sending it to the main server of the platform, and as a result of this approval, it allows the requesting client to log in. In this way, your password is not shared with tertiary systems and you do not need to give your password to someone you want to enter your account. The people you approve in the approval system can log in to your allowed accounts without using your password.

How to prevent the use and sharing of passwords?

The most important factor in hacking accounts today is the use of passwords. No matter how hard the passwords you use, they can be cracked. IoID has activated the password wallet system until the transition to the passwordless period. In addition, it will prevent the use of passwords with single-center approval.

What is the purpose of the single-center approval system and how does it work?

Single-center approval system is the security layer of digital assets. It ensures that no action is taken without the approval of the identity holder in order to access the digital data connected to the person. Thanks to this system, the security of digital assets is ensured.

After the integration, thanks to this system, you will be able to log in to your accounts without entering or sharing your password. Thus, the use of passwords will be prevented.

What is the purpose of identity badges?

Identity badges are a system developed to make it easier to distinguish accounts on the internet and to be informative.

How to detect and block malicious actions?

Dangerous identification badges will be issued to the identity of people who have participated in malicious acts in real life or on the internet. This badge warns that the people you interact with may be dangerous. IoID can automatically block these people from reaching you. With this system, social violence will be prevented.

What is a credit card wallet?

Credit card wallet allows you to use your stored card information on all platforms that integrate with IoID. If you update your credit card information using this system, your information will be automatically updated on all platforms you have authorized.

Why are all web versions supported?

Authentication and digital asset control is the biggest problem of web versions. Supports all versions so that IoID web versions can be developed properly and securely.

How will a fair play environment be ensured?

A dangerous identity badge is given to the internet identity of the cheated player. Even if this person opens a new account, it is known that he used cheats before. Players can prevent them from matching with players with this badge. Thanks to this solution, a deterrent will be created against the use of cheating.

How do we ensure your security?

The security of internet identities is provided by spider web, behavioral artificial intelligence, biometric data analysis algorithms and keymaker artificial intelligence. If these algorithms detect any kind of attack or intrusion, they lock the identity by activating extra layers of security and only the identity owner can pass these security layers.

The biggest vulnerability today is users, and IoID develops security precautions above industry standards for the security of users.

What is behavioral artificial intelligence and how does it ensure your safety?

Behavioral artificial intelligence is developed for your identity security. By analyzing your login activities and movements, it checks if you are the one logged in and activates extra layers of security.

What is organic data?

Organic data is data that has not been exposed to any manipulation. As a result of data manipulation created by unused accounts and bot accounts today, non-organic and misleading data emerge. IoID prevents this manipulation with internet identities and allows us to access organic data.

Why is resource efficiency important?

In order to leave a livable world for future generations, we must keep the efficiency of today's technologies at the maximum level and the consumption of resources at a minimum level. IoID increases resource efficiency by preventing unnecessary and manipulative movements on the internet.

Why should internet identities be given from a single center?

The purpose of internet identities is to enable people to manage all their digital assets from a single center and to customize the internet according to themselves.

Internet identities should be given from a single center due to their nature. If each platform tries to give its own identity, it is inevitable that there will be cross-platform turmoil, as it is today.

Last updated