Artificial Intelligence

These algorithms work in communication with each other and are closed against human interventions from outside. If any form of attack or intrusion is detected, extra layers of security are activated, locking the identity and only the identity holder can pass these security layers.

Behavioral Artificial Intelligence

It creates a profile of your sign-in activities and movements. Thanks to this profile, it makes sure that no one else uses your account but you. If it detects an anomaly in your account, it can lock the entire system for your security.

Another task of this artificial intelligence is to prevent collective identity management with the data it receives from the biometric data analysis algorithm.

On the one hand, it analyzes your behavior and lays the groundwork for you to transfer your personality to the digital universe.

Biometric Data Analysis

In addition to performing the analysis of your biometric data, it is one of the data sources of behavioral artificial intelligence. It ensures the security of approvals by working integrated with the approval system from a single center.

This system can be counted as an introduction to digitizing your reality. It is used as a gateway for you to create your virtual character in digital universes with your biometric data.

Scale of Justice Artificial Intelligence

It files and analyzes all malicious actions of internet identities in real life or on the internet on an identity basis. If, as a result of its analysis, it decides that the person should be sued, it sends this data to the keymaker artificial intelligence and starts the process of removing the anonymity of the person. After the anonymity removal process is over, makes a criminal complaint with the evidence to the justice institution of the country where the person is registered.

In the first step, artificial intelligence is trained with the data we carefully selected, after these trainings, artificial intelligence continues to train itself with the complaints in the system and learn by analyzing real-life crimes. It has the ability to produce sub-artificial intelligences by collecting the information it has learned. It can separate crimes according to their titles and feed these sub-artificial intelligences with the information they learn. In this way, it reduces the burden on itself and focuses on strengthening the system by analyzing the crimes.

They mark their internet identities by giving them dangerous identity badges according to the crime category they have committed. As a result of this marking, it has the authority to quarantine the person or prevent him from harming others by regularly monitoring his movements.

Evidence of the person who committed a crime in real life is sent to this artificial intelligence. It works in partnership with Keymaker, as this artificial intelligence anonymity layer cannot pass. It sends the necessary information to the Keymaker artificial intelligence to detect the internet identity that committed the crime. As a result, Keymaker shows the person's internet identity so that the criminal evidence goes to the file of the correct internet identity.

Keymaker Artificial Intelligence

It is the most authoritative artificial intelligence in the system. Its job is to prevent even system administrators from accessing users' data. It is an artificial intelligence positioned between users and system developers and administrators.

Its main task is to maintain anonymity and ensure that no one but you can access your data. It can remove anonymity only with data from Scale of Justice AI. It sends a notification of why and when the anonymity of the Internet identity will be broken. Activates anonymity when the person's trial is over.

Sometimes the crimes committed by individuals do not reach a conclusion in the justice systems. The person may either manipulate the justice systems in some way or be trying to escape justice. We've all seen or heard of such examples. Even if the justice system of the country where the person is located does not send the crime to artificial intelligence, when such complaints are received from the users, the expert teams will investigate these crimes and send the data to the Scale of Justice artificial intelligence. After this data, artificial intelligence starts to investigate the crime and when it comes to the conclusion that the person is guilty, it gives the person a dangerous identity badge. Even if the perpetrator is the administrator of the system, the data cannot be changed, which enables us to reach absolute justice. You can clearly understand why this artificial intelligence exists and its importance with these examples.

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