Organic Data

Organic data is data that has not been exposed to any manipulation. As a result of data manipulation created by unused accounts and bot accounts today, non-organic and misleading data emerge.

Examples of these data;

  • Subscribers and followers,

  • Likes and dislikes,

  • Views, clicks and downloads,

  • Surveys and giveaways,

  • Analytics data of platforms

How do we access organic data?

Since it is known to whom the accounts are actually connected with internet identities, the data will no longer be calculated over the person's accounts, but over the person's reality. This will prevent manipulations by bots and unused accounts.

With the IoID integrations, the platform owners will know how many accounts the internet identity wants to open a new membership has on the platform. As a result, it will prevent the person from making bots with hundreds of accounts and manipulating the data. If a user opens a second account, if they follow the people they follow in the first account again in the second account, this number will be counted as one and unconscious data manipulations will be prevented.

Malicious users can easily manipulate surveys with bot accounts or participate in sweepstakes hundreds of times unfairly. Thanks to their internet identities, it will be possible to prevent the same person from participating in the same survey or giveaways multiple times.

A major revision will be brought to such data when the system is activated. Thanks to these revisions, the real data of people or pages with millions of followers will be revealed.

In the image, you can examine the difference between data with and without IoID integration.

Last updated