Spider Web

The spider web algorithm is the basis of the authentication technology developed by IoID. Thanks to this advanced algorithm, each person will be given a unique internet identity with universal validity.

How does it work?

  1. In the first stage, the data sent with the artificial intelligence system is examined and its metadata is checked.

  2. Identities that pass the first stage are verified in government systems and artificial intelligence systems verify the data.

  3. A final report will be created for identities that pass government checks and the reports will be reviewed by verifiers. Internet identity will be sent to the contact information of the people who receive approval.

  4. A result report will be sent to the contact information of those whose any stage is negative, explaining why they received negative results.

  5. Biometric authentication will be required from time to time with behavioral artificial intelligence systems for the account security of people who have an Internet identity.

Behavioral artificial intelligence is developed for your identity security. It analyzes your login activities and movements, checking if you are the one logged in and activates extra layers of security.

Spider web does not authenticate by relying 100% on government systems. It uses government integrations only as a supporting element. Thanks to the verification algorithms that take place in the background, it makes it impossible to give a second internet identity to the person.

You can examine a simplified version of the algorithm in the image.

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