About Us

IoID Hakkında, Tüm Web Versiyonları İçin

About IoID, For all internet platforms

The Internet of Identities was developed to eliminate the complexity of authentication and the clutter of digital assets. It is a new generation internet layer developed to relationship these beings with the realities of people. It provides a customizable internet experience with the management given to the users.

How did IoID come about?

Taking advantage of the inexperience in the transition to Web 2.0 version, malicious people have turned the internet into an environment where it is difficult to live and data insecurity.

We decided to build the internet of identities layer to solve the problem in Web 2.0 and prevent this problem from affecting new web versions to be developed.

Our Mission

Eliminating the complexity of authentication and the clutter of digital assets on the Internet.

Our Vision

To develop a secure internet environment where users can control and personalize all their digital assets from a single center. In addition, it is to prevent data pollution on the internet and inefficient use of resources.

Our Values

  • Manageable Internet.

  • Control of Digital Assets.

  • Security.

  • Anonymity.

  • Resource Efficiency.

  • Organic Data.

  • Social Peace.

Last updated