Integration Period and After

The Internet of Identities will only provide integration with reliable and industry-renowned platforms in the first stage. After these integrations, necessary integration documents will be published for all platforms to integrate into the Internet of Identities layer. In order for a platform to be integrated, the company to which the platform is affiliated must have an internet identity. Integrated platforms are only authorized to see people's activities and accounts on their platforms and cannot access their real identity unless the person gives permission.

Today's fashion is that most platforms require sign-ups to authenticate. Doing this verification multiple times becomes a burden for most users and when the user sees this verification requirement, they avoid signing up to the platform. It is not safe to share credentials with every platform, as all your information can be stolen if these systems are hacked. Instead, you will not be required to authenticate when you choose to log in with your internet identity or an account linked to your internet identity.

Accounts or digital assets linked to emails and phone numbers that you link to your internet identity will automatically be associated with your reality. You will be able to easily manage your assets on integrated platforms.

Integration Plan and Changes

Browsers and Search Engines

After the internet of identities becomes widespread, browsers integrated with this layer will be developed. It is enough to read the QR code that appears in these browsers. After scanning the QR code, the scanner will be fully customized for you. After these integrations, you can activate the feature of staying hidden in search engines over your internet identity. Another plus of this system is that the people you block cannot search you through search engines.

It will not treat you like a different person when you log in to browsers with your work email or personal emails after the transition. Thanks to the linking of all your accounts, it will act according to your reality and not according to the accounts you log in to.

Social Media Platforms

With the widespread use of internet identities, integrated platforms will require the logged in user to link the email or phone number to which their account is linked to the internet identity. This process depends on the time set by the platform. For example, the platform gave 3 months for accounts to be linked to their internet identities. At the end of this period, the accounts that are not connected to the internet identity will be wasted and their activities will be ignored. If a person connects 5 accounts from the same platform to their internet ID and follows the same person from these accounts, the data will be counted as 1. In this way, the data will be calculated over the reality of the person. After this transition, bots, unused, stolen and fake accounts will not be able to connect to internet identities, so accounts can be deactivated.

During and after the transition period, accounts that are not connected to an internet identity will not be able to access accounts that are connected to an internet identity. This feature will be available to users as an option during the transition period. People with an Internet ID will be able to use this feature by activating it.

Telecommunications Systems and Messaging platforms

After telecommunication integrations, people will be asked to link their phone numbers to their internet identity. People will link their phone numbers to their internet identity. On the other hand, companies will have to connect their phone numbers to both the company identity and the internet identity of the person who will use it. If someone is not going to use the company's phone number, linking the number to the company ID will suffice. With the linking of phone numbers to internet identity, people will be able to manage their phone numbers more securely.

During the transition period, people will be able to disable this feature if they want their phone numbers that are not connected to an internet identity to reach them. After the transition period, this feature will be removed from use and only phone numbers connected to the internet identity will be able to communicate with each other. In this way, malicious people can be prevented from reaching you.

If you block the identity of a company, no one will be able to reach you from the phone numbers of that company, or if you block the identity of a person, the phone numbers of that person will not be able to reach you.

If you turn on the feature of blocking spam sms or fraudsters from the automatic ID and tag blocking system, these people will not be able to reach you even if they get a new phone number because their internet identities are blocked. In this way, one of the biggest problems of today will be eliminated and a safer communication environment will be provided.

E-Commerce Platforms and Subscriptions

E-commerce platforms integrated into the Internet of Identities layer will ask users to link their accounts to their personal or company's Internet identity. This is how it will work on subscription-managed systems. Everything connected concept will be able to automatically detect subscriptions linked to emails or phone numbers.

As a standard migration plan for this integration, each platform will set its own transition period. After the transition period, e-commerce platforms will be able to prevent users who have received a dangerous ID badge due to crimes such as fraud from becoming a member of the platform as a seller. Customers will be able to avoid shopping with sellers they see this badge. In this way, fraudulent activities on e-commerce platforms will be prevented.

Parameters such as vendor reliability and quality developed for e-commerce platforms will be made available. These parameters will be critical to the seller. If the seller does not send the product or tries to victimize the customer, the parameters here will lower the seller's rating. Even if the seller closes an account and opens a new account, a more efficient and reliable trading environment will be created for customers as this score is recorded on the identity of the person or company.

With identity wallet integrations, you will be able to shop safely on e-commerce sites thanks to the card or crypto addresses you store in your internet identity. When you change your personal information such as your address information or card information, the information will be automatically updated on the platforms you have authorized and you will be able to use the option to fetch information from internet identity when making a purchase if you wish. After you approve the purchase in the approval system, your transaction will be carried out in the most secure way.

Users sometimes forget their subscription or they have to log in to the platform when they want to cancel their subscription. At this stage, this process can become a burden for users as the user has to remember their password, log in to the platform and then find the unsubscribe tab. By using your internet identity, you will be able to manage the payment methods of the subscriptions you have on integrated platforms or transactions such as subscription cancellation.

Game Platforms

Gaming platforms will be able to remove cheaters through their platforms thanks to their internet identities integration. Platform owners will give their users time to link their accounts to their internet identity. If a player cheats, their internet ID will be given a cheat badge and they will be known to cheat even if the person opens a new account.

On platforms or games with this integration, players will be able to play games in a more enjoyable way. A huge deterrent will be created for players using cheats. In this way, players will be prevented from using cheats. A player can cheat if they want, but if caught other players will be able to block him automatically and the person will not be able to match with other players for an extended period of time or at all. With this system, many unsolvable problems in the game industry will be solved.

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