
Dreams are waiting for innovations, innovations are waiting to turn into reality. Today we reveal the innovation of the future. We used all our resources for this project and left behind a valuable year. We are taking a big risk by presenting this project to the sector. We prefer to risk everything rather than making projects that are derivatives of each other. Humanity will always go after its next dream and create new innovations.

What you will read in this whitepaper is the tip of the iceberg for the Internet of Identities layer. We will continue to share other advantages and solutions with the development of the system and the spread of internet identities

Who are we?

IoID stands for internet of identities. We are a community that develops projects to fix the messy and insecure state of the internet. Our goal is to prevent internet administration from becoming a monopoly. The way to prevent this is to ensure that everyone manages their own internet. For this, we decided to develop the internet of identities layer. Our aim to develop this system is to make real life and the internet the most reliable for society.

The Internet of Identities has been developed with the advanced Spider Web algorithm to give people, companies and artificial intelligence unique internet identities with universal validity. Internet identities are new generation universal identities that associate people's realities with these entities in order to eliminate the complexity of authentication and the clutter of digital assets on the internet.

In an age where interaction is so fast and easy, as IoID, we work for a world where country borders do not divide us. The biggest reason why identities have universal validity is to ensure that there are no borders and to easily identify ourselves with this identity anywhere in the universe. With the spread of internet identities, we are working to make it an alternative that can be used instead of normal identities. In the future, you will be able to check your documents such as passport, visa, driver's license from here and you will not have to carry these documents with you.

Universal Union

We are laying the foundations of the universal unity that we dream of in this space age we live in, with the internet of identities. The internet of identities is a project that belongs to all humanity, not to us, and when such a union is established, we will leave the entire administration to this union. The aim of universal unity is to set aside the conflicts of all humanity and countries and to create a new generation management unity in which they live as a whole. If there are any extraterrestrial intelligent beings as advanced as we are, this is the best way to ensure our communication, agreement, and unity with them.

The most painful truth we have learned as humanity is that when we leave the management to one person, exploitation, corruption and nepotism are committed. Universal management is an artificial intelligence supported structure. The way the universal union is controlled consists of artificial intelligences controlling the people working in this union. As we have learned today, some people are prone to taking bribes. Artificial intelligences, on the other hand, do not know what bribery is and are focused on doing their job. These artificial intelligences are operated with community controls, and every move made by everyone working in the union is shared with the citizens. These posts are constantly monitored by artificial intelligence, and if abuse is detected, citizens are primarily notified. In this way, we have a dream of living with 100% transparent management and an egalitarian structure in the future.

Why are we developing the Internet of Identities layer?

Most of Steve Jobs's words about the internet and the web say that thanks to these technologies, our lives will be easier and we can contact people we cannot contact. He says that we can easily reach the whole world, we can get medical support for our sick children, and we can reach treatments quickly by being members of groups. What he said about the internet and the web has impressed us a lot and we can say that we are amazed by his vision. When we look today, what they say has come to life and we can communicate with people on the other side of the world in milliseconds. Everything is fine, but with the development of the internet and the web, it has become much easier for malicious people to make our internet life unbearable and freely attack our personal lives. Also, the complexity of authentication and the clutter of digital data is taking the internet in an unmanageable direction. Maybe it was not foreseen at the time or it did not have a clear solution, we do not know exactly.

So, what are the problems of today's internet that need to be solved and how do we solve these problems?

One of the main problems is that when connecting to internet platforms from different accounts, it treats the user like a different person each time. This is because it is not known who is using the internet. When you connect to any platform with your internet identity or a main account linked to your internet identity, the platform will know that you are connected and will be able to act according to you.

The most important issue is the unstoppable increase in crimes committed on the internet. Malicious people;

  • Defrauding people or stealing their accounts by opening fake accounts,

  • Using cheats in games,

  • Manipulating platform data or surveys by opening a bot account, participating in sweepstakes hundreds of times,

  • Making fake and misleading posts,

  • Harassment, bullying or blackmail

They easily perform such acts, relying on the anonymity of the Internet, and they freely browse the Internet or in real life, looking for new victims. By performing such actions, they make internet life difficult for normal people. These events make the internet an insecure environment. We are in an age where the internet is more and more involved in human life and people spend most of their lives on the internet. In the coming years, it will increase even more with the development of metaverses and the transfer of everything to the internet. If we look at the future with today's systems, we cannot say that it will be very healthy in the future with the development of the internet in this direction. The Internet of Identities is being built to radically solve such problems, and it manages to do this without breaking anonymity. The layer developed with artificial intelligence control is built on the anonymity of the person as long as he does not commit a crime. You can find more detailed information in the Security section.

When you block someone on the internet, they can reach you again by opening a new account on a different platform or on the platform you blocked. Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided in today's internet life. With internet identities, this problem will disappear and if you block someone's internet identity, that person will not be able to reach you over the internet even if they open a new account. Even if it tries to search for you using search engines, it will not be able to see your data.

We think that the internet should now turn to a different income model than today's income model. In this sense, we would like to briefly inform you about our income model for the end user, which we will introduce soon. This revenue model includes not only platform owners but also end users. Platform owners mostly monetize your personal data, the ads you watch or your clicks. By treating these methods differently, we are developing a model for sharing this profit with the end user. With this income model, we aim to create passive income for end users. In addition, we are working on a pay-as-you-go formula with internet identities.

Why should internet identities be given from a single center?

The purpose of internet identities is to enable people to manage all their digital assets from a single center and to customize the internet according to themselves. If dozens of systems that give internet identity are developed, this system will no longer make sense and people will start to drown in account confusion again. By securing a single system, we can more easily secure all other systems. With its advanced security layers, IoID ensures the security of internet identity and all digital assets related to it.

Due to the nature of internet identities, they should be given from a single center. If each platform tries to give its own identity, it is inevitable to experience cross-platform confusion as it is today.

Last updated